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S-Boats in the Kriegsmarine 1935 - 1945


The Reichsmarine was renamed Kriegsmarine on12.03.1935. She owned at this point in time S-Boats "S 1" through "S 8", which were organised in the 2. S-Boat-Halvflotilla. Also Tender  (Begleitschiff) "Tsingtau" was subordinate to it. On 12.06.1935 " S 9" was commissioned and the unit was renamed 1. S-Boat-Flotilla ( 1.SFltl). The boats "S 10" through "S 13" also joined.

"S 1" (Drawing from Connelly/Krakow: Schnellboot in action)

"S 1" at shipyard trials still without covered conning house - Picture: Italieri Schnellboot Typ S 100



The boats "S 2" through "S 5" were very similar to "S 1" but caused by the Daimler engines they were a little (1,15 m) longer than "S 1". They were sold to Spain in 1936 together with "S 1" and "S 6".

On basis fo the plans for "S 2" Lürssen-Werft was building eight boats for Yugoslavia ("Orjen", "Velebit", "Dinara", "Triglav", "Suvobur", "Rudnik", "Kamakcalan", and "Durmitor"), which contrat´ry toi the German boats got a 40 mm-gun on th e aft deck.

Also according to these plan Lürssen was building five boats for Bulgaria, "F 1" through ""F 5". Boats "F 1" through "F 4" were delivered prior to the outbreak of war. The not finished "F 5" was confiscated and finished as "S 1" for the Kriegsmarine and commissioned on 29.09.1939. On 20.01.1941 it was ordered by OBdM to be handed over to Bulgaria together with "S 201" and "S 202" built by Gusto NV. The boats were transported to Bulgaria via Elbe and Danube.

"S 2"- "S 5" ( Drawing from Connelly/Krakow: Schnellboot in action)


"S 6" was the first boat with MAN Diesel engines. She, therefore, was a boat good 4 m longer. Based upon the same specifications "S 7" through " 9" were built. Boats "S 10" through "S 13" were equipped with Daimler MB 502 Diesel engines.

"S 6" - "S 13" ( Drawing from Connelly/Krakow: Schnellboot in action)

"S 12" and "S 13" in Line astern (Picture Archives R. Mundt)


Since the speed of series "S 10" - "S 13" did not conform with the military requirements, the first series ordered in 1935 "S 14"  - "S 17" was equipped with three MAN fourstroke Diesel engines L 11. That required a enlargement of the boats. They reached a maximum sustained speed of  37 kts and a short time maximum speed of 39,8 kts at a displacement of  40,7 ts.

"S 14" (Drawing from Connelly/Krakow: Schnellboot in Action)

"S 14" in the Baltic (Picture: Andres-Verlag, Hamburg) 


The series "S 18" - "S 25" was ordered 1937 to 1938 and joined the fleet in 1938 to 1939. The boats got three Daimler-Benz MB 501 Diesel engines with 2050 HP each, granting the boats a speed of 39,5 kts.

"S 18" (Drawing from Connelly/Krakow: Schnellboot in Action)

"S 19" (Picture: PK-Foto)



On 01.08.1938 the 2. SFltl was formed. The tender (Begleitschiff ) "Tanga" became subordinate to it. Both Flotillas were subordinate to Führer der Torpedoboote (F.d.T.).

To increase seaworthiness of the boats, from "S 26" on they were built with a higher forecastle, in which the torpedo tubes were integrated. That increased the reserve buoyancy and protected the torpedo tubes against weather influences. At the same time the command post was moved from forward of the bridge to a position on the bridge. The series " S 26" - "S 29" joined the fleet in 1940.

"S 26" (Drawing from Connelly/Krakow: Schnellboot in Action)

"S 28" in the Black Sea (Picture from the heritage of Kpt zS a.D. K.F. Künzel)


At the outbreak of the war eight boats on Chinese account were under construction, based on the smaller hull of the series "S 10" - "S 13". These boats were commissioned end 1939 to summer 1940 as "S 30" - "S 37". A second series of eight boats of same construction - but with the commandpost behind the rudderhouse - were following directly with boats "S 54" - "S 61". The boasts of these two series - exempt the lost boats "S 32" and "S 37" were employed by the 3. SFltl in the Mediterranean Sea.

"S 30" (Drawing from Connelly/Krakow: Schnellboot in Action)

S-Boat of Type "S 30" at Ostend - Picture: Archives Förderverein

Between November 1940 and September 1941 the boats of type "S 38" - "S 53" came into the fleet. They had three MB 501 Diesel engines and from "S 50" onwards received a 2 cm-Flak in a turntable mounting in the bow. The older boats were retrofitted therewith.

"S 38" (Drawing from Connelly/Krakow: Schnellboot in Action)

"S 47" in the Black Sea still without the Kalotte (Picture from the heritage of Kpt zS a.D. K.F. Künzel)


The later built boats of this type received a kalotte (Scull Cap) already during their construction to render a certain protection to the bridge-crew. In this case the kalotte was rounded towards the deck. In case of the retrofitted boats the transition to the deck was rectangular (see also the following pictures below of "S 47" and "S 99").

Die später gebauten Boote dieses Typs erhielten schon beim Bau eine Kalottenbrücke, um dem Brückenpersonal einen gewissen Schutz zu bieten. Dabei war die Kalottenverkleidung zum DEck hin abgerundet. Bei den nachgerüsteten Booten war der Übergang zum Deck rechtwinklig (siehe nachfolgende Bilder "S 47"  und "S 99").

"S 38" med skull-bridge (Drawing from Connelly/Krakow: Schnellboot in Action)

S-boat of type "S 38" at full speed (Picture from Connelly/Krakow: Schnellboot in Action)

"S 47" in the Black Sea with Kalotte (Picture from heritage of Kpt zS a.D. K.F. Künzel)

"S 99" (Picture from Dallies/Labourdette: Deutsche Schnellboote 1939-1945) 

 This type was in a way the standard type for the S-boats of the series "S 62" - "S 100" (Lürssen), "S 101" - "S 133" (Schlichting) as well as "S 134" and "S 138" (Lürssen), the majority of the boats commissioned until early 1944. 


The boat "S 100" was from the outset constructed with kalotte. The type "S 100" was equipped with the newly developed Diesel MB 511 with 2500 HP. From "S 219" onward the boats obtained a bigger tank capacity for a range of 750 nm. For the boats"S 301" through "S 500" the new MB 518 Diesels with jet-induction were planned, which however were not installed due to delivery problems. 

Starting with "S 139" allmost all boats built until the end of war were constructed on basis of the specifications of "S 100". "S 137" - "S 150",  "S 167" - "S 186", and "S 195" - "S 218" built by Lürssen, just as  "S 159" - "S 166" and "S 187" - "S 194"  by Schlichting.

Boats "S 219" - "S 300" were to be built by Schlichting-Shipyard at Travemünde, however, only "S 219" - "S 228" were finished. Boats "S 301" - "S 500" were to be built at Lürssen, only "S 301" - "S 306" were delivered to the navy, boats "S 307" - "S 321" under construction were not finalized.


"S 100" (Drawing from Connelly/Krakow: Schnellboot in Action)

"S 199" - CO: Achim Quistorp - Picture: ARchives Förderverein



1944 the S-Boats "S 701 - S 800" were ordered at Danziger Waggonfabrik to be built according to the plans of type " 219". The boats received additionally two torpedo tubes on the after deck firing astern, so that four torpedoes could be fired without need to reload. The plan was for 6 x 30-mm-Machineguns in three twin mountings. Since the 30 mm twin mounted guns did not get ready, the boats were armed with two 30 mm guns and one 20 mm twin mounted gun. 

"S 701" (Drawing from Steve Wiper: German S-Boats)

Similarly as with the boats "S 219" - "S 300" (Schlichting, finished "S 219" - "S 228") and "S 301" - "S 500" (Lürssen, finished "S 301" - "S 307") also from the boats ordered at Danzig only a few ("S 701" - "S 709") were finished and handed over to the navy.

"S 701" in Formation (Picture from Dallies-Labourdette: Deutsche Schnellboote)

By the two additional torpedo tubes and the higher fuel capacity the operational displacement was increased to 121 - 124 ts. At a speed of  35 knots a range of 750 nm was achieved.


Midget-Torpedoboats (Leicht-S-Boote)

AT the outbreaqk of war the midget S-boats "LS 1" and "LS 2" had been decommissioned. From 1940 on the interest in the boats were revived. The aluminium boat developed by Dornier "LS 2" were to be finished and to be braught on board Hilfskreuzer "Komet" (HSK 7) as "Meteor". Since the planned for 45 cm torpedo tubes could not be realised the boat was fitted with the minelaying installations at the stern, so that it could be used as fast minelayer, to drop mines in habour entrances.

LS 2 (Drawing from Connelly/Krakow: Schnellboot in Action)

The installed aircraft engines caused problems, so that "Meteor" could not be employed by "Komet". In spring 1940 four more boats were ordered at Dornier. For "LS 3" and "LS 4" newly developed Daimler-Benz light Diesel engines MB 507 were available. The boats got a minelaying installation for four instead of hitherto three mines. "LS 3" was delivered on 14.10.1940 and was employed by auxilliary cruiser "Kormoran" (HSK 8). "LS 4" received two aft torpedo tubes.  As the first unit it received the newly develloped propellers and achieved 42,5 knots. She was given on board of auxilliary cruiser "Michel" (HSK 9). This boat was very successful with two sinkings and four involvements in sinkings with a total of 46.000 BRT. (Statiscly it was the most successful S-boat of the Kriegsmarine).

For boats "LS 5" and "LS 6" were only Junkers aircraft engines available. On orders of the OKM both units were fitted as submarine-chacers (depthcharge carriers) for the Aegean Sea and transported to the Mediterranean. Since the corresponding search and detection unit was moved to the Balck Sea, the boats never became operational.

For the series "LS 7" - "LS 12" the MB 507 engines again were available, so that they were built as torpedo carriers. "LS 7" was delivered on 08.10.1943, "LS 12" on 12.07.1944. "LS 7" - "LS 11" were yet transported to the Aegean Sea, "LS 12" was stopped in Jugoslavia and became testboat at the torped testing authority. It became a Soviet loot. 

LS 7 in the Aegean Sea (Pictures: Archives P. Schenk) 

The series "LS 13" - "LS 34" yet ordered was stopped by the end of the war, the boats "LS 13" - "LS 18" were finished as French war loot. The order for the other boats was stipped. wurden als französische Kriegsbeute fertig gestellt . Der Auftrag für die restlichen Boote wurde nullified.                       


Little S-Boat "Hydra"

Hydra 1 - 39

In the end of 1944 the Konstruktionsamt (K-Amt = Construction Office) of Oberkommando der Marine (OKM = Supreme Command of the Navy) had comparing trials performed of types "Hydra", "Kobra", "Schlitten" and "Wal". Thereby the type "Hydra" came off best, although it did not meet the requirements of Kleinkampfverbände, since its length was too big for the required maximum of 10 m and thus reduced its transportability on a trailer.

The boat was equipped with two Avia-Hispano-Suza Otto-aircraftengines chocked down to 650 PS without gearbox, two 45,7cm-stern-torpedo-tubes for the aircraft-torpedo F 5b and one Flak-MG.

Type "Hydra" - Picture from Fock Bd. 2

On 04.12.1944 a series of 50 boats were contracted at different yards, among them Lürssen, Kröger, Danziger Waggonfabrik, Schlichting, Vertens. A second order for 115 boats were contracted on 08.02.1945. Until the end of war only 39 boats were finished. They were organized in the Sonderkommando Hydra, also called 1. Hydraflottille. The did not get employed any more.





1943/44 was a part of the KM-boats built as offensive coastal minelayers reconstructed as small motortorpedoboats. The boats had been built by several shipyards. The boats designated as "KS-boats" were substituted to the 22. SFltl in the Adria before they were handed over to the Croatic Navy in fall 1944 and after its trying to go over to the partisans were taken back by the Kriegsmarine.

KS-Boat - Picture: From Gröner

Boat reconstructed as KS-Boat - Picture: Archives Gröner





Loot-Boats and Boats Bought

Netherlands Loot-Boats

S 151

At the occupation of the Netherlands in 1940 eight boats under construction at Gusto N.V. in Schiedam were confiscated and finished for the Kriegsmarine. They displaced 57 ts at a length of 28,3 m and a beam of 4,30 m. With these dimensions they could sail on european inland waterways, which permitted them to be moved into the Mediterranean. They were commissioned in 1942 as "S 151" - "S 158". The boats "S 159" - "S 166" ordered at Gusto V.V. in 1941 were stopped in April 1942.

"S 151" (Drawing from Connelly/Krakow: Schnellboot in Action) 

Boats of Type "S 151" (Picture from Connelly/Krakow: Schnellboot in Action) 


S 201

The two boats "TM 52" and "TM 53"(30,8 t, at length 21,40 m, beam 6,05 m, and draught 1,14 m) already finished by Gusto V.V., Schiedam, according to English Power Boats plans (type PV) in steel were conquered during the occupation of the Netherlands and commissioned and tested by the Kriegsmarine as "S 201" and "S 202". 

Their armament was reconfigured according to German conception to one 37 mm og two 20 mm kanons. Because of that and the building in steel the boats made only 37 to 38 knots. Being gliders with a flat bottom their seabehaviour was not up to the German wishes. Therefore the boats were given to Bulgaria in 1942. Five other boats built by Gusto N.V. under German direction were given to Rumania and Bulgaria. The transport to the Black Sea was performed the same way as for the boats of the 1. SFltl via Elbe - Autobahn Dresden-Ingolstadt - Danube.The type-boat "TM 51" built by British Powerboat Company, Hythe, was completed for the Royal Navy as "MTB 433" and took part in attacks against Willembrug occupied by Germany. 

"S 201" (TM 52) in Rotterdam - Picture from Hümmelchen: Die Deutschen Schnellboote im Zweiten Weltkrieg

Bought Italian Boats  

S 501

On 20.05.1943 the Kriegsmarine bought the Italian S-Boats "MAS 566" through "MAS 570" stationed in the Black Sea as well as "MAS 574" and "MAS 575" which got the designation "S 501" through "S 507" and formed the newly installed 11. SFltl. Sparepart problems concerning the main engines, however, caused the boats "S 501", "S 506", and "S 507" soon were assigned to the 1. SFltl, while the other boats were decommissioned. Staff and surplus personnel were transferred to the newly formed 24. SFltl in the Adriatic Sea.

Drawing from H. Fock: Schnellboot Band 1 (SK 68)

"MAS 500" in the Mediterranean 1942 - Picture: Unknown serviceman

German loot-boat "S 621" (ex "MAS 561") - Picture from H. Fock: Schnellboote Bd. 2



Italian Loot-Boats

In the Mediterranean numerous Italian S-Boats fell into Kriegsmarine hands after the Italian capitulation on 09.09.1943. Most of them were cannibalized as sparepart stocks, although from 19 modern boats the 24. SFltl was formed.

"S 601" - "S 604", "S 511" - "S 512"

The Italian navy occupied 1941 the Jugoslavian boats ("Orjen", "Velebit", "Dinara", "Triglav", "Suvobur", "Rudnik", "Kamakcalan", and "Durmitor") which Lürssen had built and delivered on basis of the German type "S 2"  to "S 5"  in 1937. The boats were changed slightly in the dimensions length, beam, draught, ans displacement. Main difference was the 40 mm gun. The 40mm-gun and the two 15mm/36-guns, however, were removed and substituted by two 20mm-guns. The boats got the designations "MS 41" through "MS 46", "MAS 511" and "MAS 542" ("Orjen" and "Suvobur").

After the Italian capitulation the boats came into posession of Kriegsmarine. They were made operational - as far as possible - and commissioned as " S 601" - "S 604" resp. "S 511". "S 512" was weary and was never commissioned. The boats were assigned to the 24. SFltl in the  Adriatic Sea. Sparepart  problems concerning the main engines caused the boats to be only little operational. 

Drawing from Connelly/Krakow: Schnellboot in action (here German type "S 2" with 20-mm-gun)

"MAS 30" (ex "Orjen") 1942 later "MAS 522", in the KM "S 511" - Picture: Regia Marina

"S 621" - S 630"

S 621

The Italian Navy was building 60 t Motosiluranti (MS-Boats) from 1943 onwards on basis of S 2. The boats completed and under construction after the Italian capitulation fell in German hands. The Kriegsmarine took over the orders for boats under construction and planned for. Totally 10 boats of this class were built. 

While the smaller MS-boats of series 1 (Motosilurante) turned out to be less seaworhty the MS-boats of series 2 built on basis of the boats of the "Orjen"-class built for Jugoslavia on the Basis of the German "S 2"-class more seaworthy. Series 2 (MS 11 - 16, MS 21 - 26 and MS 31 - 36) were built of Cantieri Riuniti dell' Adriatico (C.R.D.A.) at Monfalcone from 1942 onwards and were planned with 2 x 20mm Bofors and got two steel 53,cm torpedotubes with long spoon standing free on the forecastle. The hull correspomnded to almost 100 % the hull of type "S 2". Since 20mm Bofors were not available in sufficient numbers the boats got in stead of the bow-gun on either side of the bridge-house a 6,5 mm Breda-MG Mod. 37. The propulsion was given by 3x1100 PS Isotta-Fraschini- ASM-183 gasoline-motors.

"MS 15" - Picture: Regia Marina

Because of shortcomings shown these boats were not introduced in the Kriegsmarine.

The Italian Navy had C.R.D.A. construct 18 boats as improved new constructions on basis of series 2 (MS 51 - 56, MS 61 - 66, MS 71 - 76). These boats got a higher forecastle, two aluminum 53,3 cm torpedotubes of Geman/Italian construction on the forecastle, one 20mm-Breda and two 80mm Breda MG as well as  two 45,7cm torpedolauching divises for sideway-launching. The propulsion was by 3x1100 PS Isotta-Fraschini-ASM 183. MS 76 got 3x1500 PS Isotta-Fraschine-ASM-185 and achieved a speed of 35 knots against 31 of the sisterboats. Because of stronger frames and the high forecastle the boats were more seaworhty and 10 boats of this series were integrated in the 24. SFltl by the Kriegsmarine.

"S 629" (ex "MS 76") in autumn 1944 at Grado - Picture: Archives H.J. Böhlke


French Loot-Boats

At the German invasion in France 1940 seven boats under a Spanish-Republican export-order from the year 1937 were discovered as well as two boats (SA 8 -9) under a contract for French patrol boats at the shipyards Jouett & Cie., Sartrouville (SA 1), Chantiers Romano, Antibes (SA 2 - SA 4, SA 6 - SA 7), Chantiers Navales de Meulan (SA 5) and Chantiers de la Loire, St. Nazaire (SA 8 - SA 9).

They were stageless V-beam-boats from playwood and the constructions were continued under the indication SA  = Schnellboote Ausland (S-boats abroad) and were commissioned in the years 1941 - 1942. The design of the boats were from M. Picker, Chantiers de Meulan und wurde as Vedette Lance-Torpilles (VLT)  planned with two torpedotubes 45 cm, one 3,7 cm rapid-firing gun and a MG.

S-Boat Type K 40, Design M. Picker - Picture from H. Fock: Schnellboote Band 1

The boats were propelled by four "Petrel" gasoline motors. Since the furthermore had two 100 PS-Marchmotors, they had a clutch-system susceptible to interference. Due to missing torpedotubes SA 8 and SA 9 were completed as submarine-chasers without torpedotubes. The boats were not employed as S-boats but as follows:



SA 1 Completion 04.41, patrol-boat Defencecontrol Le Havre, from 1942 FH 24, Harbour-Protection Flotilla Le Havre
SA 2 Completion 09.41, Admiral Norway, from 1942 FH 25, Harbour-Protection Flotilla Le Havre
SA 3 Completion 10.41, Admiral Norway, 24.03.42 + off Børsmose/DK, salvaged, Motors back to KM, Boa an salvage company 
SA 4 Completion 11.41, Trainingflotilla Le Havre, from 1942 FC 40, Harbour-Protction Flotilla Cherbourg
SA 5 Completion 10.41, Trainingflotilla Le Havre, from 1942 FK 2, Habour-Protection Flotilla Channel
SA 6 Completion 04.42, Flak- and Coastal-Artillery-School
SA 7 Completiong 06.42, bombhit under construction, repaired, FK 3, Harbour-Protection Flotilla Channel, from 1943 Flak- and Coastal-Artillery-School
SA 8 Completion 06.42, 1943 FK 58, Habour-Protection Flotilla Channel
SA 9 Completion 07.42, 1943 FK 59, Habour-Protection Flotilla Channel

Former French Torpedo-S-Boat under German Flag - Picture: Archives H. Frank

Former French Torpedo-S-Boat - Picture: Archives H. Frank


The employment of these boats is no longer reported after 1943. The indication "SA 7" was awarded again for the British loot-Boat MTB 345, which already sank in August 1943 after a fire off the Shetland islands. The indications SA 1 through SA 7 were once more awarded 1943 after the Italian capitulation for Italian loot-Boats of different types.

The whereabouts of the French loot-boats "SA 1" - "SA 7" after 1943 is uncertain. It can be assumed that they have been destroyed or were sunk during the war activities at the coast of the Channel.


Greek Loot-Boats

As a consequence of the invasion of Greece in April 1941 the S-boats "T 1" and "T 2" fell into the hands of the Kriegsmarine. They were Thornycroft-55'-CMB (Coastal Motor Boat) with two Thornycroft 12 cylinder gasoline-engines with 375 PSe each and spiral propellers. They were armed with two 18 '' stern-torpedotubes. The boats were commissioned with the designators "SG 1" and "SG 2" (SG = S-boat Greece) and armed with one MG and 10 depth charges. From 1943 onward the boats were operated by the Coastal Defence Flotilla (Küstenschutz-Flottille) Piraeus as "GA 08" and "GA 09". Both were sunk by bombs on 11.01.1944 at Piräus.

MTB of Type Thornycroft 55' CMB - Picture: Imperial War Museum

Stern of a MTB of Type Thornycroft 55' CMB under British Flag - Picture: Private collection


British Loot-Boats 

The British Motor Torpedo Boats (MTBs) and Motor Gun Boats (MGBs) were subordinate to the Coastal Forces in several flotillas. In  total seven MTBs rsp. MGBs were captured or brought in.

Thereof the following three boats were commissioned by  the Kriegsmarine:

"MTB 631" of type Fairmile D (Admirality design) was a lend-lease boat for the Norwegian Navy.She ran aground off Florø on 14.03.1943 and given up. On 18.03.1943 she was towed in to Bergen and brought back to sea as "S 631". She was assigned to Admiral Norwegian Westcoast. The whereabouts are uncertain.

MTB of Type Fairmile D - Picture: Imperial War Museum

"MGB 666" also of type Fairmile D was captured off Ijmuiden on 05.07.1944. On 08.07.1944 is was destroyed by a gasoline explosion.

"MTB 345" (Thornycroft experimental boat) was operated under Norwegian command from the Shetland Islands since March 1943 against the Norwegian coast. On 27.07.1943 she was captured after a fight with picket "V 5301 Seeteufel" off Ospa in Solund. The Crew (four Norwegians and one British) were shot by Gestapo. The boat came back to sea again in July 1943  as "SA 7" and burst to flames off the Shetland Islands in August 1943 and sank.

"MTB 314" (ex USS "PT 56" = Type ELCO 77'), which had been given over from USN to RN in February 1949, was captured by the Kriegsmarine heavily damaged off Toruk on 14.09.1942. She was repaired and commissioned as fast minesweeper "RA 10". She was sunk by an Allied air raid in April 1943.

Elco 77' PT-Boat of USN - Picture from Gorson L. Rottman: US Patrol Torpedo Boats


The following three captured boats were so badly damaged that they were not commissioned by the Kriegsmarine. Their whereabouts are uncertain:

"MTB 5" (BPB 60' - 25 t) was holed in a storm on 29.09.1940 and given up by her Norwegian crew in the Channel. It drifted ashore in the Seinebight.

MTB 5 of Type BPB 50 Foot - Picture: Imperial War Museum

"MTB 17" (BPB 60' - 22 t) was shot to a wreck on 21.10.1940 off Oostend by the German Navy Artillery and brought in on the 22.10.1940.

"MGB 335" (type Fairmile C) was shot to fire by the 2. SFltl during the night 10./11.09.1942 in the Northsea and brought in to Den Helder the 11.09.1942. In "British Motor Gun Boats" by Angus Konstam she is listed as "badly damaged and scuttled during surface action in the North Sea on 11 September 1942".

Q 326 of type Fairmile C leaving Lowestoft harbour - Picture: Imperial War Museum


Russian Lootboats

Two Sovjet lootboats assigned to the 1. SFltl in 1942  (TKA-47 from the Baltic Sea and TKA-111 stranded and salvaged off Eupatrorija) of 17,8 t displacement (length: 19,1 m, beam: 3,3 m; draft: 1,2 m) armed with 2 x 53,3 cm torpedoes and 1 x 12,7mm-MG propelled by 2 GAM 34 BSF Gasoline-Enginges each of 800 - 850 PS was faster than 50 knots but had severe korrison-problems. The crew consisted of 6 to 8 men.

TKA-45 at high speed - Picture: Unknown


The captured "TKA 47" - Picture: PK-Photo

Soviet Torpedo-Kutter TK 111 beached close to Kerč - Picture: Archives H.H.v. Glasenapp

Soviet Torpedo-Kutter TK 111 beached close to Kerč - Picture: Archives E. Skjold